Wensley's Cycles Winter Series 2024

Duathlon and Multisport Series

Location: Teretonga Park

There will be races to suit all ages and abilities. 

Long distance:  2.5km run - 15km cycle - 2.5km run. 

Mid distance:  1.5km run - 10km cycle - 1.5km run. 

Short distance: 1km run - 5km cycle - 1 km run

Multisport option:  2km kayak, 15km cycle, 2.5km run

Juniors Run: 2.5km run

Open Run:  5km run

(Suitable for all abilities - using road bikes or mountain bikes)

When: 2024 Duathlon and Multisport Series events dates 

1.  15th June

2.  20th July

3.  17th August

4. 21st September

Pre- race registration and briefing will commence from 9.30am with the races starting at 10am.

There will be prizegiving at the end of the last event, with spot prizes courtesy of Wensley's Cycles - we thank them for their support.  Please support them if you need any cycling equipment or repairs and maintenance.


  • Adult Club Member full series $30 (paid online before the start)
  • Adult Non-Club Member full series $50 (paid online before the start)
  • School Age Child full series $10 (paid online before the start)
  • Adult Club Member $10 per race
  • Adult Non-Club Member $15 per race
  • Student $5 per race

Cash only on the day thanks.

Miriam Dawson from Mocka Rocka Coffee will be in attendance if you need something to warm you up.